TERRITORY: 330 803 km2
POPULATION: 32 050 000
CURRENCY: malaysian ringgit
(4 MYR - 1 USD)
not required (up to 90 days)
1. Friendliness is the hallmark of the Malaysian nation.
2. The capital of Malaysia is the city of Kuala Lumpur. It is the largest city in the country and in combination its financial and commercial center. In addition, Kuala Lumpur is the greenest Asian capital. All streets are greened whenever possible.
3. Malaysia is a multinational country, the indigenous people of Malays are here only 50% of the total number of people. Most of the population speaks English, especially young people.
4. Although the religion of Malaysia is Islam, there are plenty of Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians.
5. In the national cuisine of Malaysia, the main ingredient for the garnish is rice. It is stewed with vegetables or boiled in broth, thereby giving it an unusual taste. A popular dish is "Nasi Lemak". This is rice that is cooked in coconut milk with sauce, greens, eggs and cucumbers. Vegetables are used in almost every dish.
6. In Malaysia, a huge amount of fruit is growing, many of which are not known in Europe.
7. In the Malaysian jungle grows an amazing walking tree. Its roots grow from the middle of the trunk and slowly move underground in search of water. For the year, this tree can move a few meters from its previous location.
8. In Malaysia, one fifth of all known scientific categories of animals are found. The conservative Muslim government of Malaysia considers dogs unclean and taboo animals.
9. Malaysia has adopted the most stringent in the world penalties for drug-related crimes, including the death penalty.
10. In Malaysia, the lowest mortality rate from respiratory diseases is about 7.5 cases per 100 thousand people.