Siem Reap
In every self-respecting Asian city, there must be a Night Market! The main tourist attraction and the main entertainment center of local residents. Night Market appears only at sunset, the streets are blocked from traffic and they become pedestrian. In place of dusty streets, a large market with an abundance of goods for every taste and purse grows, here you can find almost everything - clothes, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, authentic ceremonial goods, household items, furniture, exotic fruits, and other.
Want to predict the fate of the drawing in the palm of your hand, to tell fortunes on Tarot cards, get an astrologer's advice, create a personal fragrance, write your own portrait with the hand of a Cambodian artist - welcome to the Night Market! Endless food courts, cafe and bars. Everywhere massage parlors, sometimes right on the street with all kinds of massage and not only..
And at the entrance-exit necessarily attack sociable tuk-tukery - will drive where you want and sell what you want, of course at the "best" price. It's amazing how similar the Night Market is in different cities and even countries, only the scale of the market differs and the goods change slightly. The essence remains unchanged. By the way, street music in the Southeast Asian countries is best played here. Many people, all walk on foot, that for Asia a rarity, well, the mood of people is upbeat))